Don't Get Ticketed!
Parking at 2420 Old Ivy Road is monitored by UVA’s Parking & Transportation Office. Please purchase a parking pass and park in a regular spot when working at Old Ivy.
University Advancement has only the IVY2 upper and lower lots available to us. The first small lot to the right upon entering the driveway is the GUEST/VISITOR lot and UA staff should not use those spaces. Do not park in Visitor Parking, nor behind the building in the Loading Zone lot, or you will likely get a ticket.
- Donors
- Individuals with Mobility Issues
- First Day New Hires
- Interviewees
- Distinguished guests to these units within Old Ivy Hall:
- University Advancement
- UVA Communications
- Human Resources
- School of Continuing and Professional Studies
- Office of Safety & Security
- Batten School
Here are a few helpful tips regarding UVA parking options:
- Hourly: Parking for a few hours? Hourly parking in IVY2 is available through the ParkMobile app (zone 5532). (1 hour: $1.40, max 6-hour rate: $2.45). The rate maxes at the daily rate, so this could be a convenient and less expensive way to park depending on schedule. To use the app, set up a ParkMobile account and go from there. View ParkMobile Quick Guide for OIH.
- Daily: Parking 1-2 days per week? Daily rate $2.10. Multi-day (consecutive days) rate: $1.60/day. Daily permits available for purchase in the UVA online parking portal (requires a NetBadge Login).
- Annual: Parking for more than 12-15 days per month? The IVY2 annual permit is the least expensive method for you. IVY2 permits are available in the online parking portal. UVA employees are eligible for payroll deduction for annual permits. (NOTE: There is currently no waiting list for IVY2).
For required work events, meetings on Grounds, etc., follow these step-by-step instructions for discounted parking. The parking discounts should only be used while doing University Advancement business.
Offstreet is the new guest parking registration management system when parking at various locations on Grounds.
University Advancement staff can use this system to register to park in the following lots:
- Central Grounds (near Newcomb Hall)
- A-9 Culbreth Road
- EIG – Data Sciences
- E3 – Bryant Hall
Creating a Registration
Right Click on the above link to open hyperlink.
Code: UAD24HP
Welcome Screen
- Enter License Plate/State
- Next
- Enter Code - UAD24HP
- Next
Select Start Date/Start Time
- Select Start Date/Start Time
- Next
Select Length of Stay
- Select Hours/Minutes
- Next
- Click Park
Enter Additional Information
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Select Parking Location
- Click Park
Parking Confirmed!
Confirmation # 174000000 (ex.)
*If you would like a copy of your confirmation sent to your email
- Enter your email address-click send.
- Click Done.
Registration Complete!
Please reach out to UVA Parking & Transportation at ptevents@virginia.edu or Ann Walker at awp6h@virginia.edu if you have any questions about this process.