ACE Awards

ACE Pillars

Rotunda and Lawn

Award Winners

awards anchor

2023 ACE Awards Reception


This peer-driven awards program recognizes collaboration across schools and units for the benefit of the greater University, highlighting the Pillars of outstanding advancement work:

  • Strengthen Community
  • Pursue with Determination
  • Be Proactive
  • Act Strategically

Anyone employed in University Advancement or at a UVA-related foundation whose primary responsibility is advancement or support of advancement (i.e. gift processing, administrative support, information systems, development communications or alumni engagement).

Those who are not eligible include: student workers and interns; members of the finance or accounting team for a school, unit or UVA-related foundation; career and advising services; University or school-based communications; Dean’s or President’s office staff; governmental relations; student affairs; admissions; employees of the College at Wise, and others who do not have advancement responsibilities.

Nominees for the new Friend of Advancement award are an exception to the above and can be a senior leader from anywhere on Grounds. Learn more about this award above.

To nominate colleagues, use the form linked on this page. Once there, you'll provide a brief description for how the nominee exemplifies the selected Pillar. Your ‘reason for nominating’ description will be used by the ACE Committee to determine the final 7 ACE Award recipients for the year and will be provided to the ACE Pillar Award recipient if he/she/they is selected as a finalist.

There are 7 annual awards. ACE Pillar Awards are $1,000 each (5 awards highlighting each of the 5 ACE Pillars); one individual will be chosen from the nominations to receive the MVP award and will receive $1,500; and one non-monetary recognition award for the Friend of Advancement awardee.

Nominated colleagues will be recognized during the annual spring awards celebration.

Yes, nominees will be made aware of who nominated them.

Yes! Nominated colleagues will be recognized online and during the annual spring awards celebration.

Yes, ACE nominations can be made for a team.

Please email:

Interested in working to further strengthen and highlight cross-grounds collaboration and plan community-building events? Please email:

Past ACE Celebrations Gallery