Learn from Outside Experts
Members of the Advancement Community at UVA have access to professional resources and training partners. These partners provide conferences, webinars, industry-related articles and relevant information.
University Advancement employees: Consider using your Education Benefit to pay for conference and training registrations. Learn more here.
Annual Giving Network
AGN helps educational institutions build exceptional advancement teams, providing training, publications, and consulting services, as well as best practices in fundraising and alumni engagement.
As a benefit of your employment, you have access to AGN resources. Complete the AGN user form. You'll then receive a welcome email with the UVA member code.
Learn more: Annual Giving Network
Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNE)
The CNE is a Charlottesville-based membership organization that brings trainings, education, tools, and resources to nonprofit boards, staff, and volunteers.
As a benefit of your employment, you have access to CNE resources. (username: uvaadvancement, password: KeepLearning!)
Learn more: The CNE
Chronicle of Higher Education/The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation's largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities. The Chronicle covers real-time news and provides deep insights into the world of higher education. The Chronicle of Philanthropy, published by The Chronicle of Higher Education, covers the nonprofit world and is aimed at charity leaders, foundation executives, fundraisers, and others involved in philanthropy. In addition to their vast articles and news, the Chronicle of Philanthropy also offers webinars, checklists, tool kits, and other resources.
As a benefit of your employment, you have access to Chronicle resources. Click the sign in button to create an account.
Learn more: The Chronicle of Higher Education or The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
CASE is a professional association serving educational institutions and the advancement professionals who work on their behalf. CASE helps its members build stronger relationships with their alumni and donors, raise funds for campus projects, produce recruitment materials, market their institutions to prospective students, diversify the profession, and foster public support of education. Members have access to free webinars, conferences at the member rate, the Currents magazine, e-mentoring, member forums, and more.
As a benefit of your employment, you have access to CASE resources. Click log in at the top right , then click create account. Follow the instructions, and be sure to enter University of Virginia when prompted for the company name.
Learn more: CASE
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) provides on-demand, online courses and short videos designed to enhance your skills on a wide range of topics.
- UVA's Library provides access for current UVA students, faculty, and staff. Visit UVA Library LinkedIn Learning for more information and access.
- Note that UVA staff should access LinkedIn Learning through Workday to ensure credit for completed courses (click “Learning” in the Workday interface).
UVA Human Resources
UVA-HR offers many career development programs and resources to help reach your professional goals.
- Career Navigation Center
- Learning & Development Courses | Course Schedule
- Leadership Development Opportunities
- Education Benefits
UVA Library
The UVA Library provides workshops on a variety of topics open to the public.
Learn more: UVA Library Public Events
Need Help?
Contact Ashley Privott for more information.