UVA University Medical Center Policies
We can access UVA University Medical Center policies via Knowledgelink or the PolicyTech shortcut on our desktops as long as we are using the Big IP VPN along with our HS credentials.
There's also a read-only link available:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- HPA-009: Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information for General Fundraising Purposes Updated June 2024
- Patient Confidentiality and Notice of Privacy Practices
- HS Photo Media Release V2 17-37730 (If a patient is to be featured in any publication (including articles, solicitations, social media postings, news media, or internal newsletters), we must have a marketing consent form on file for that patient. Additionally, completed consent forms must be stored only on our secure O: drive. Please reach out to Maggie Patton with further questions.)
University of Virginia Policies
International Travel with UVA owned hardware and software
If you’re planning to take a work laptop, work iPhone, or personal iPhone/Android/iPad with UVA email/other apps on it with you during international travel, regardless of personal or work travel, please fill out the temporary export request form** for the equipment that you’re taking with you.
**If you get an access denied screen, please click on the Netbadge Login link and log in via Netbadge.
If you have a work iPhone supplied by UA, you should let UA know that you're traveling internationally with it by submitting a help ticket via UA’s Advancement Hub. UA may need to set up international calls, etc., with your phone's carrier.
See Help Desk link on Advancement Hub Homepage.
Log in to Freshworks (UA’s ticketing system) with your Freshworks' credentials.
If this is your first time using Freshworks or you don't remember your Freshworks password, click on the Forgot Password link and enter your as the email address for the password reset email.
See University Equipment on and the Temporary Export Request Form link.
Can I take my laptop, PDA, or other electronic device on foreign travel?
The University's export control policy (FIN-043) requires that all exports of UVA-owned devices, software and information that is not publicly available be authorized by the OEC. Additionally, international travel is subject to the University Policy on Faculty and Staff International Travel and requires registration. Faculty and staff are required to register their professional international travel through the University's international travel registry maintained by the International Studies Office, in order to facilitate University assistance if the need arises. As a part of that process, hand-carrying University equipment on international travel is subject to review and approval. A Temporary Export Request Form must be completed and reviewed by OEC prior to international travel with University equipment.
If you have further questions, please contact OEC at