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CRM Transformation Project

Training Resources

Upcoming Training Opportunities

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APT Credit, CRM Training

APT: CRM Reports Overview

Wednesday, May 21 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am EST | Old Ivy Hall (OIH)
Please note: Time will be updated as we get closer to the event.
APT Credit, CRM Training

APT: Preparing for CRM: Update for Administrative Professionals

Wednesday, May 21 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am EST | Old Ivy Building (OIB)
Please note: Time will be updated as we get closer to the event.

Resources and Training

02/19/24 - Resources from APT: CRM Process Changes Overview and Team Readiness Meeting
UVA CRM Terminology

Learn some of the new lingo here.

UVA CRM Hard Hat Tours

Check out these videos for an exciting peek at what we have built so far for UVA.

Generic Videos

These videos will give you a sense of the generic new Advancement CRM environment. They are not customized for UVA, but helpful for getting the picture of what is coming. 

Training Coming Soon
  • New Best Practices for Stewardship the UVA Way March 19 TBD
  • Get Started Learning Salesforce March 19 TBD
  • CRM Update April TBD, May TBD, June TBD
  • Reporting in Our New CRM April TBD
  • Preparing for CRM May 21 TBD
  • See All Upcoming Training

Salesforce Learning: Trailhead

Trailhead is a free place where you can learn about generic Salesforce functionality and earn badges! This will help you understand more about the underlying Salesforce platform on which our new Advancement CRM is built. To get started:

  1. Create a Salesforce Trailhead account with your UVA email by visiting and clicking the blue “Sign Up” button on the top right. Sign up using the email option and be sure to use your UVA computing ID email address (not your alias). Once you have an account, when you want to access it, you will visit the link above and log in. They will send a login code to your email each time you need to log in.
  2. Check out this UVA-curated list of Salesforce Trailmixes and Credentialing Info. You can follow Trailmixes you are interested in, so they show up in your “My Trailmixes” space in Trailhead. This keeps them handy in one place.
  3. Everyone should start with the Basics:
Salesforce Trailhead logo
Salesforce: Getting Started Job Aids

Job aids that don’t require any login and are accessible via the Web. Most helpful once you have a Salesforce account or a Playground in your Salesforce Trailhead learning space.